Website Wednesday: ABCTeach

21 years ago, I had completed my Montessori early childhood training and was getting ready to start my first job on my own. We were lacking in a lot of supplemental materials and I had one boy who was extremely advanced. The internet was just starting to be a fun place to look for new activities and I stumbled upon a new website called ABCTeach. It felt magical.

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The Ever-Evolving List of ABAR Resources for Montessorians

When I was in the classroom, I thought I was working toward being more inclusive. And while I gave a good effort at the time, I now realize there is so much more that I could have done and that all of us should be doing in our classrooms and communities.

ABAR means Anti-Bias Anti-Racism. Educators who are truly working on this are working on themselves as people as well as what is being reflected and taught in the classrooms. And as one panelist said in a recent webinar I attended, if you’re in education and you’re not working toward this, then you need to get out.

It’s not an easy road to travel. It can be taxing and will leave you unsettled. But that’s kind of the point. But if you can dedicate the time and effort into doing the work, you will be a better educator and your students will benefit for a lifetime.

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